Welcome to the Studio!

New Year Welcome

Happy New Year and welcome to StavesArt’s weekly post about what’s going in our world.

After a very busy last couple of months of 2022, we have finally emerged from under the covers and started doing some work. Ben is busy on his new work (more of that later), Tim is writing this and catching up on the paperwork, Fi is handling the on-line orders and Uncle Nick is swanning off on holiday!

January – March is a relatively quiet time for us as we aren’t out and about much at markets. We will be back at the Shambles in York soon and we are in the process of booking other markets to take place throughout the year. We will post a full list of these later this month when we know for sure where we are going.

Ben with, impeccable timing, finished his last piece “Howzat! – Cricket Grounds of England,” just as the season came to a close. Nevertheless, it was still our most popular picture in the run up to Christmas, and it convinced us to continue with a sporting theme with his new piece based upon the football grounds of England, Scotland and Wales. We haven’t settled on a catchy title yet but we are hoping, that with 80 clubs featuring in the piece, it will prove to be a favourite. With any luck I will have some sketchy previews to post soon.

Thanks for taking time to read this, back soon,

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